15 May, 2021

In the Desert of Your Heart

In the desert of your heart
my seeds won't start but die out;
in the desert of your heart
there's no blossoming to be found;
in the desert of your heart
I cannot survive;
in the desert of your heart
beauty cannot stay alive.

If a flower is withering,
it is not to blame for it;
if in a desert I am losing my life,
neither am I blameworthy.

Like love,
I am crying out for
a living, rich and fertile ground
wherein I can dwell and thrive,
flowering all around.

In creative ways, places and people
I need to seek out
that flowering ground –
only then,
if I knock,
the door will open
with the key I carry in my heart.

In the Desert of Your Heart © Ladanseuse
Transl. "V poušti tvého srdce", written ultimately on 15. 5. 2021

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