30 May, 2024

The Heart's Wistful Cry

Those crying eyes of mine,
shedding tears of the heart:
Am I a hopeful as a pilgrim to starshine,
to the fervour of the sun,
to a sphere permeated with scents
wherein balm is my lullaby?

Caught in a circle under a spell:
Whereto my steps shall I take: perhaps over here, therein, out there?
I beg the Universe
to reveal to me
that which is out of sight,
the brightness of daylight.

Time passes by like a river's flow,
the current of lament, the sea of woe,
for I'm in quest – quest – quest of
the dream of renascence in fruition,
the dimension of calm,
a fortunate outcome.

The Heart's Wistful Cry © Ladanseuse
English translation of "Teskná mantra srdce" dated 30. 5. 2024,
based on the Czech concept writ. during AM at RM's on 24. 11. 2023, edited & published on 30. 5. 2024

26 May, 2024

Inner depths

I am within, 
trembling, having gotten in,
the heart which expands, glows and shines;
with my hair like radicles,
intertwined in the Earth's nucleus,
curled up in a ball of wool,
I withdraw into a sanctum.

Via feel  'n' warmth,
bewildered, I transmogrify
into an expansive twine
in the merge of twin lines.

My heart,
a gift I give,
in palms conjoined;
in a whirly chafe
I am outstretched;
in unity
warmness ignites.

Like a planet
I spin round the Sun
in the orbit of conjunction;
feeling dizzy,
in the unknown
I find myself, caught unawares.

my domicile I identify;
from within 
opening wide,
my kindred spirit
I carry inside,
caressing it inwardly.

Inner Depths © Ladanseuse
English translation of Niterné hlubiny dated 26. 5. 2024,
based on the Czech concept written on 9.11.23 & published on 9. 5. 2024

08 May, 2024

The Glow of My Soul

In one spot do I abide,
unaware of where a path of mine is to be found;
in my way a wall of silence stands...
with the scales unbalanced,
I long for a dreamlike harmony.

I unite my heart with Universum
so as to weld the disconnected,
so as star dust rises to form one loop;
gravitating toward a luminous aureole,
I thrust my soul into the arms of a glow.

Conceived by the feeling of interconnectedness,
the circulation of annular infinity, I am;
in a warming bath
my heart expands,
my heart is filled.

My soul,
in a bond of lights,
it glows.

The Glow of My Soul  © Ladanseuse
English translation of Záře duše mé dated 8. 5.2024,
based on the Czech concept, writ. during Authentic Movement at R. M.'s on 2. 11. 2023, edited on 5. 5. 2024 & published on 6. 5. 2024

My Very First Post!

Enchanted Woe