30 May, 2024

The Heart's Wistful Cry

Those crying eyes of mine,
shedding tears of the heart:
Am I a hopeful as a pilgrim to starshine,
to the fervour of the sun,
to a sphere permeated with scents
wherein balm is my lullaby?

Caught in a circle under a spell:
Whereto my steps shall I take: perhaps over here, therein, out there?
I beg the Universe
to reveal to me
that which is out of sight,
the brightness of daylight.

Time passes by like a river's flow,
the current of lament, the sea of woe,
for I'm in quest – quest – quest of
the dream of renascence in fruition,
the dimension of calm,
a fortunate outcome.

The Heart's Wistful Cry © Ladanseuse
English translation of "Teskná mantra srdce" dated 30. 5. 2024,
based on the Czech concept writ. during AM at RM's on 24. 11. 2023, edited & published on 30. 5. 2024

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