25 July, 2024

The Eternal Now

 On the claim of the "eternal now" as the only existing time, as opposed to the past or the future, I opine:

True: The past is gone and the future is yet to be, so the only living‒and malleable‒time is contained within the present. And yet, what was, is; what is, will be. The present is (was) built upon the past and the future is (being) built upon the present. What was has led here and here is whence what follows stems. Each moment, however alive, passes quickly, merging with the past, a time that once was and used to be the "now". What is now is a remnant of what was and a vision of what will be. Yesterday is a now in retrospect, tomorrow is a now in prospect. Thus, the now is not only now ‒ spanning over past and future times in constant parallels, the only time known to man to be alive, it lies in eternity. 

The Eternal Now © Ladanseuse
English concept dated 25. 7. 2022, edited & published on 25. 7. 2024

23 July, 2024

A New Dawn over the River of Life

 Each new daybreak brings the gift of a fresh start, yet another chance. It is the Universe lending its generous hand; an extra long glittery string of starlets, carefully threaded. You owe so much to Higher Wisdom; it leads you and comforts you.

Life flows like a river, never to stop, even if you get stuck on one spot. Follow life, give in to the rhythm of infinity, let drum beats make your heart dance. Life is to be fulfilled for as long as it is, as long as you are, as long as it can. The river is to be kept alive, not let it dry out, realize your dreams. To protect your inner river, fight for it, use its life-giving source and become Mother, give life to your brain children!!! 

Such is a conception arising out of your womb: an inner cry that has been heard out; a longing that has seen the light of day; a materialized dream.
The past has been swallowed by the dark, with the sun comes a rebirth.
A New Dawn over the River of Life © Ladanseuse
English translation of Nový úsvit nad řekou života dated 23. 7. 2024,
based on the Czech concept dated 24. 3. 2023, both published on 24. 3. 2024

21 July, 2024

The Glitter of Cosmic Boroughs

In the garth stands high a gem of a majestic plum,
a carpet of violets has ascended to the skies
and fused itself into psychedelic stars;
the giant constellation of Canis Major has effloresced through the dark,
from behind shrouds has emerged a winged angel,
a duckling ruffling her plumes;
crimson Luna has perfused into a love-apple
with a glittery tail of cosmic boroughs.

The Glitter of Cosmic Boroughs © Ladanseuse
English translation of Třpyt vesmírních měst dated 21. 7. 2024, based on the Czech concept writ. during Liter Art on 23. 5. 2024 using [transl.] tomato (love-apple), duckling, dog, plum, lecho; published on 21. 7. 2024

18 July, 2024

Glowing Sahara

 In the still of infinity glows Sahara, lying bare, 
the wind blows in her, disheveling strands of her hair;
mills of God grind slowly but surely;
Luna has surfaced, surfing on duny waves, like an alchemyst,
in her flare, love's embrace, dream-filled heart quakes
Lady Night has spread out her astral canvas.

Glowing Sahara © Ladanseuse
English translation of  Žhnoucí Sahara dated 18. 7. 2024,
based on the Czech concept writ. during Liter Art using given words [transl.] Sahara, the still, Luna, mill, love, edited & published on 18. 7. 2024

15 July, 2024

In a Lunar Womb

My heart's tears in rainfall
bespatter a gelid stone;
my life, the inner I, dreams of mine
are in existence, having weight –
why waste 'em
on the one
of a cloudy visage,
in whose core rages a storm,
flashing dagger-like lightnings;
whose heart, turned to a rock out of spite, slumbers,
even unalive in its non-love toward me,
and won't caress, devoid of gentleness?!

Tick tack...
hours pass,
the time of my life is wild in flight
even if I...
stuck in place, spinning circularly, going backward,
a starry-eyed soul on a pilgrimage enshrouded in the dark,
What's the direction of my steps?
Where's an embrace in hopelessness?
Which soil to plant my love in for its growth into flowers?

To lift the veil of darkness
– I wish 
to rest enveloped in a shine, intertwined with rays of light, dwelling in a womb of glow;
to feel a touch of kindliness, the peace of serenity, a gleam of happiness...
to live
my dreams
in love
with reality.

In a Lunar Womb © Ladanseuse
English translation of V lůně luny, dated 15. 7. 2024, 
based on the Czech concept written during AM at RM's on 11. 4. 2024, edited & published on 4. 7. 2024

Note: Womb (lůno) as "uterus", or "a motherly life", fig. "heart"; Luna, the pale blue shining Moon, here in the sense of "shine", "light", "ray"

02 July, 2024

The Bosom's Blossom

I feel amour
if in my vicinity 
my kindred floweret has being. 

Permeating her emeraldom,
to the grove of scapes and foliage I withdraw,
into those dreamscape shapes I metamorphose;
supping aqua along with her,
my hands outstretched to the heavens,
I expand into space.

I espy shadows flickering around her,
her silvery gleams;
there is a sense of her breathing inaudibly,
filling a void by her own Self...

Existing quietly,
 I sing and dream;
with not a word on my tongue, 
I hold the heart of a flower in my arms.

The Bosom's Blossom © Ladanseuse
English translation of Srdéčka květ dated 2. 7. 2024,
based on the Czech concept at V kůži Roselyne (In Roselyne's skin) workshop with Cécile da Costa in Ponec Theater on 23. 3. 2024,
edited & published on 2. 7. 2024

03 June, 2024

The Dream That Came to Life

A fenestella comes open wide,
a surreal field of infinity
unfolds before my sight;
through it, I slip outside
to peregrinate over a wide plain...

Lo, a river! Meandering ahead of me, it allures;
my inner voice speaks up, urging me:
Walk alongside it!
Thou behold? The remote glow – follow it!

And so I undulate, flow with the river
wherever it carries me,
here and there, I hit a crag,
I disperse in fluidity in all possible directions –
'till these advances poured into a confluence remain in union...

In peace do I bide,
in sunshine am I drowned,
like a girlie in a craddle lulled,
 rocked on the wavelets of a foamy calm.

The grail is near at hand,
glistering in my palms like a gem,
so now I can fall into a placid slumber
and dream...
the dream that's come to life!

The Dream That Came to Life © Ladanseuse
English translation of "Sen, jenž stal se životem" dated 3. 6. 2024,
based on the Czech concept written during AM at RM's on 14. 3. 2024, edited & published on 2. 6. 2024

30 May, 2024

The Heart's Wistful Cry

Those crying eyes of mine,
shedding tears of the heart:
Am I a hopeful as a pilgrim to starshine,
to the fervour of the sun,
to a sphere permeated with scents
wherein balm is my lullaby?

Caught in a circle under a spell:
Whereto my steps shall I take: perhaps over here, therein, out there?
I beg the Universe
to reveal to me
that which is out of sight,
the brightness of daylight.

Time passes by like a river's flow,
the current of lament, the sea of woe,
for I'm in quest – quest – quest of
the dream of renascence in fruition,
the dimension of calm,
a fortunate outcome.

The Heart's Wistful Cry © Ladanseuse
English translation of "Teskná mantra srdce" dated 30. 5. 2024,
based on the Czech concept writ. during AM at RM's on 24. 11. 2023, edited & published on 30. 5. 2024

26 May, 2024

Inner depths

I am within, 
trembling, having gotten in,
the heart which expands, glows and shines;
with my hair like radicles,
intertwined in the Earth's nucleus,
curled up in a ball of wool,
I withdraw into a sanctum.

Via feel  'n' warmth,
bewildered, I transmogrify
into an expansive twine
in the merge of twin lines.

My heart,
a gift I give,
in palms conjoined;
in a whirly chafe
I am outstretched;
in unity
warmness ignites.

Like a planet
I spin round the Sun
in the orbit of conjunction;
feeling dizzy,
in the unknown
I find myself, caught unawares.

my domicile I identify;
from within 
opening wide,
my kindred spirit
I carry inside,
caressing it inwardly.

Inner Depths © Ladanseuse
English translation of Niterné hlubiny dated 26. 5. 2024,
based on the Czech concept written on 9.11.23 & published on 9. 5. 2024

08 May, 2024

The Glow of My Soul

In one spot do I abide,
unaware of where a path of mine is to be found;
in my way a wall of silence stands...
with the scales unbalanced,
I long for a dreamlike harmony.

I unite my heart with Universum
so as to weld the disconnected,
so as star dust rises to form one loop;
gravitating toward a luminous aureole,
I thrust my soul into the arms of a glow.

Conceived by the feeling of interconnectedness,
the circulation of annular infinity, I am;
in a warming bath
my heart expands,
my heart is filled.

My soul,
in a bond of lights,
it glows.

The Glow of My Soul  © Ladanseuse
English translation of Záře duše mé dated 8. 5.2024,
based on the Czech concept, writ. during Authentic Movement at R. M.'s on 2. 11. 2023, edited on 5. 5. 2024 & published on 6. 5. 2024

My Very First Post!

Enchanted Woe