02 July, 2024

The Bosom's Blossom

I feel amour
if in my vicinity 
my kindred floweret has being. 

Permeating her emeraldom,
to the grove of scapes and foliage I withdraw,
into those dreamscape shapes I metamorphose;
supping aqua along with her,
my hands outstretched to the heavens,
I expand into space.

I espy shadows flickering around her,
her silvery gleams;
there is a sense of her breathing inaudibly,
filling a void by her own Self...

Existing quietly,
 I sing and dream;
with not a word on my tongue, 
I hold the heart of a flower in my arms.

The Bosom's Blossom © Ladanseuse
English translation of Srdéčka květ dated 2. 7. 2024,
based on the Czech concept at V kůži Roselyne (In Roselyne's skin) workshop with Cécile da Costa in Ponec Theater on 23. 3. 2024,
edited & published on 2. 7. 2024

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